Case Study
Adding rocket fuel to an energy consultancy

The Problem
Energeia had built their clientele around the founder’s relationships in the sector, relying on what he called his “coffees with prospects”.
But this was not scaling; as he became more busy he had less time to personally prospect and came to us looking for a solution that could sustain the next level of growth.
Additionally they had not attended to their brand, imagery or value proposition for many years
* Energeia’s old site was showing its age

The Solution
The answer was to leverage the effective reach of targeted digital marketing – creating thought-leadership content and distributing it via Linked In, webinars, email and more to drive visitation to the website, and prompt enquiry.
This mean upgrading their website which was many years old and did not adequately represent the brand a all. And that mean developing all new imagery and key value statements.

The Results
In the first 3-month period, Energeia’s LinkedIn program generated over 26,000 views and 55 active comments.
This accurate reach and engagement is driving strong direct website visitation
And once there, interest is good with the vast majority of users clicking through from the homepage into the site:
Additionally a series of monthly webinars was established and promoted primarily via email. The open rates varied from a very solid 27% to an astonishing 64% and click-through topped out at an unheard-of 88%. Registrations topped out at 92 for the second webinar.
As a result of all this the client was unable to cope with demand and has actually asked to slow the program down!