October 29, 2023 How do you know your marketing is working? It’s an important question. Because if you’re spending all this money and you’re not sure of the results, then...
October 6, 2023 Pricing strategies in marketing; you’re sending a signal, whether you mean to or not Pricing says more than you might think. It’s about more than dollars, costs and margins. It also tells...
August 29, 2023 Sales and Marketing, or Sales vs Marketing? If sales and marketing were cities, they’d be Sydney and Melbourne. Both of them lively, wonderful places but very...
August 4, 2023 How understanding an individual person (not just a ‘target market’) will make you more sales. Whatever business you’re in, be it a start-up or a global corporation, the better you understand your target market,...
July 5, 2023 Could Fewer Customers be the Key to Success for SMEs..?! More customers, more growth, more profitability – that’s what we’ve all learned to chase, isn’t it..? And yet, they’re...
June 14, 2023 Organisational values: creating them, making them work and keeping them alive. The problem with organisational values I frequently get asked to articulate organisational values statements for clients who sense the...
May 31, 2023 Why do we need a formal marketing strategy? This was the question posed to us by a new client just a couple of weeks ago, and it...
May 12, 2023 The four sources of business growth, and how to balance them. Business growth is a rocky road, no doubt about it. Sometimes slower than you hoped, sometimes faster than you...
May 10, 2023 How Marketing Automation Can Help Smaller Businesses Marketing automation is rapidly becoming an essential tool, even for smaller businesses. One of the biggest difficulties of running...
April 6, 2023 Is Marketing ROI a Key to Profitability? A sustainably profitable business is what we’re all looking for, and it makes sense that profitable marketing, would help...