Case Study
Refocusing on strategy in a high-tech sector

The problem
When new leadership came into telematics provider Netstar and new strategies were formed, it became increasingly obvious that the brand and comms had fallen behind where they needed to be and the marketing wasn’t being strategically driven.
In fact marketing had fallen off the executive table and lead generation was suffering as a result.

The solution
InsideOut Group was brought in to rebuild the marketing function and re-platform the brand to create a solid launch pad for the new business plans, including re-invigorated lead gen and planned new product launches.
We ran an extensive review of the entire the category, and though a series of workshops with the executive team, identified a differentiated and compelling value proposition, developed the marketing plan and refocused the messaging.
Once this Blueprinting was complete, our InsideOut Marketing Manager joined the team and the first task was to recreate the website to better represent the product range including multiple landing pages to support active lead generation through SEM, SEO and Telemarketing.
The Results
The initial strategy planning was extremely well received and our Marketing Manager was able to present the resulting website and plans to the global management where they were endorsed enthusiastically.
The business is re-energised, has a new strategy and a website in place as our InsideOut Marketing Manager ramps up the lead generation activities.