Seed Engineering operate in a crowded space – project management services but do it a little differently. However they’d never found a way to explain how, let alone represent their difference via their brand.
Infrastructure Project Management can be a hairy business with billions of dollars in play involving a high degree of angst with people often getting burned out. Spending time with Seed we saw that they approached things very differently: calmly and with genuine concern for the wellbeing of the client teams they manage. They saw this simply as “how we do things” and their website didn’t mention it. Additionally, their logo could have easily been mistaken for an environmental organisation.
Our strategy focused on the reason to choose Seed: their methodology. They key was ‘calm’. We started with zen gravel gardens and rock stacks as a visual metaphor and extended this into a subtle but confident brand look of muted colours. We coined a phrase for their approach: Predictably Smooth Projects or PSP and helped them articulate this into a core operational philosophy.
This was woven into a sales-heavy marketing program built around thought-leadership content and Account Based Marketing.

So, your business needs to move
to the next stage of growth?
We provide the internal skills, the strategy and the execution solutions for repeatable, sustainable success.
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