January 30, 2023 Why marketing metrics matter, and why – sometimes – they don’t. Marketing metrics matter. Sometimes, they don’t. If that sounds contradictory, bear with me, I’ll explain. But first of all,...
January 24, 2023 When does storytelling not tell enough of the story? Consumers have always loved a good story. Brands that use storytelling generate some of the most recognizable and effective...
December 16, 2022 For the love of small business. Running a small business is a bit like having kids. People can tell you about it, and you can...
December 9, 2022 Why Trust Is the Key to Customer Loyalty It’s Marketing 101: The marketer’s two jobs are customer acquisition and loyalty/retention. When it comes to retention, there’s an...
December 5, 2022 Brand Authenticity Brand Authenticity: A Brand’s Essential Mantra for the Digital Age: Tell the Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing But!...
November 12, 2022 New Approaches to Better Marketing in the Construction Sector Is marketing in the construction, architecture and civil engineering space different to other industries? Well, yes and no. Certainly,...
November 6, 2022 Internal vs external marketing for small businesses Wait a minute, marketing is all about attracting customers and selling, is it not? Why do I need internal...
November 2, 2022 Why B2B Companies Must Invest In Brand Too When people think “brand” they often think “logo”. The golden arches of McDonald’s, the Nike Swoosh – those iconic...
November 1, 2022 Are you winning customer’s hearts with your brand? Customers are judging you on your appearance. It is to be the year of brand reputation, so will yours...
October 10, 2022 What’s the difference between brand and product loyalty, and what can they do for your SME? There’s always debate over the different aspects of loyalty, and business owners can easily be confused. If you Google...